We’re just warming up…

Summer is just beginning so I need to tell you all about my spring! Boy, was is hectic! I know it feels like I say that every time I write one of these but this time its reeeeealllyyy true. Mini holidays with friends, Dad had a stroke, Soup had a birthday, Church, Alpha, coffee, and God was good and present and faithful through it ALL.

  • After my last newsletter, you could probably tell I was a little down in the dumps. I kept saying to myself, “I just want to have fun. Good wholesome fun”. Luckily, I had a late birthday trip planned to London. Sarah has family there and they so generously let us stay with them. So, Amy, Sarah and I hopped on a plane and spent the most chaotic and joyful 48 hours in London. Let me tell you, when I say we laughed… we LAUGHED. Who knew all I needed was my gals, iconic cocktails, and Spitalfields market.

    Before we headed to London, Soup had a birthday! She’s officially one! And in typical Keanna fashion, I threw her a birthday party. People kept asking me what we were going to do at a cats’ birthday party? I don’t know… stand around and stare at her? That’s exactly what we did. We stood around and laughed at Soup enjoying all her new toys! I know it’s ridiculous, but it was FUN.

    I know it’s probably weird to talk about my dad having a stroke under ‘fun stuff’. Although the overall situation was scary and not ideal, there were some very funny moments. When your strong, has it all together, super dad starts calling the hospital a Turkey, and his shirt a salad… you must laugh. Everything happened so fast. Lisa (my stepmom) called me and told me as she was following him in the ambulance to the hospital. I got on the next plane out and 24 hours later I was with dad. I spent two weeks with him. Two weeks filled with tears, laughter, and some frustration. I remember I have always told my parents that I would never take full time care of them when they got old. I always joked that I would put them in a nursing home. I know that’s wild to admit in a newsletter but it’s the truth. I always said I couldn’t handle it mentally or emotionally. WELL, after this scare… I CHANGE MY MIND. Mom and Dad, I promise I’ll never put you in a home and I’ll take care of you!

    On a lighter note, between all my world travel, the sun was SUNNING here in Ireland. I THRIVE on sunshine, but then again who doesn’t? I’ve never been more grateful to live in this cottage by the sea. I’m just overwhelmed by the goodness of God in this season.

    I had a trip planned to Minnesota for ages before all the madness happened. My best friend, sister, platonic lover, or as I like to call her… Hannah. She has graced me with the title “Maid of honour”. Honor? Whatever. I think this job probably ranks in the top 5 titles I’ve ever been given. Of course, coming under “Good News carrier”, “evangelist”, and “missionary”. Anyway, I flew to the states to watch her try on wedding dresses and it was an absolute incredible experience. I am determined to be the best Maid of Honour I can be, even if I’m half a world away.

  • There have been many things I’ve walked through in the 28 short years I’ve lived so far. None of them, as I encountered them, had made me question God. But there have been moments in the past months that have made me wonder… God, why? My friends in Namibia are telling me that children don’t know when their next meal will be. They said an older child crawled into their lap and just needed to be held. God, why? A man I only really had a conversation with once, said something that I still think about to this day. Although I didn’t know him well, He was a man who LOVED the Lord. ALS took him to be with Jesus, leaving behind a wife and four children. God, why? I see the way my very best friends long to hug their moms just one last time. God, why? Maybe it’s 10 years delayed… but God, why did my brother have to die? I don’t know the answer. But I do know what comes with all this suffering is sadness and grief and questions. I do know that there is hope. I do know there is Jesus.

    Last newsletter I told you all I was feeling down, sad, and possibly struggling with depression. After I sent that newsletter, I felt depression leave my body. I felt the sadness be replaced with Joy. So many of you prayed for me. AND GOD HEARD YOU.

    We have seen time after time that God hears us. We have open communication with the father through Holy Spirit. We can approach the Throne BOLDLY! HOW COOL IS THAT. So my challenge to you and to myself is to confidently come to our creator daily. Come to Him with questions of why, even if they are ten-year-old questions. Come to Him interceding on behalf of those who need healing. Let’s draw near to Him. Let’s seek His face before we seek His hand.

  • This section may feel a little bleak this time around. Just because everything kind of paused while I was away with dad. Although right after I was back, we held our last two Holy Spirit days for the last two schools doing Alpha. UGH, I just love those kids. So many truly engaged and I believe, were filled with Holy Spirit!! As secondary schools are off for summer break, we will be back in the Autumn for another group!

    I spend a couple days in Selby, England with a wonderful woman called Amy. (not the Irish bestie Amy, but equally as lovely) She’s an already commissioned evangelist with Church Army and does some really cool things in ministry. I learned so much from her on pioneering ministry that suits different contexts.

    I don’t know how it started, but I go the Archdeaconry meetings. They happen every couple months and lots of COI ministers come and we hear updates and then just encourage one another. I like them! Anyway, this last meeting was Dean Arfon’s last meeting before he retired, and I got to host it at my little Church Cottage!! I know it doesn’t seem that important, and it’s actually not. BUT There was something about having them all gathered in my kitchen that made me feel special.

    We had our last Young Adult night a few weeks back. We usually break for the summer as so many go home for the summer. We will meet once a month until probably September. I miss them all so much because I wasn’t there the last few weeks. You know, dad and all.

Make it stand out.

  • Pray

    My dad is doing better! He is working hard to recover his speech. Please pray for complete restoration of his speech, memory, and all cognitive functions. Pray that this time off of work would be a time of intimacy with God.

  • Pray

    Please pray that as summer continues I would be intentional about the things I say ‘yes’ to. I want to give my first an best to ministry projects, peopl and God.

  • Praise

    Praise God my mental health has transformed. The peace of God hs washed over me and Holy Spirit is so kind as to remind me of the joys in the everyday!

  • Praise

    Through this tough season, i’ve seen my friends show up in ways for me I never thought was possible. Praise God for beautiful, life giving friendship!


Fall 24


Spring 24